San Marino Motor Classic 2016
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The 2016 concours-level show featured a broad spectrum of collector cars from Brass and Nickel Era cars to American Muscle cars, Hot Rods and everything in between. Staples such as Ferrari, Porsche and Mercedes-Benz were showcased alongside Jaguar, Alfa Romeo and Rolls-Royce.
On page two we will enjoy many one offs such as a Muntz Car Company ride, A Frank Curtis designed, SoCal built, three wheeled Davis Divan that went under shortly after starting production and many other fun and rare rides,… Here’s a link to a great article about the Davis DiVan.

Please join us in the fun journey thru our coverage! Here’s page two pix! =D
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About the San Marino Motor Classic
The San Marino Motor Classic is a concours-level collector car show and competition that features a broad array of motorcars that span more than a century. Co-founded by Aaron Weiss, Paul Colony and Ben Reiling, it is the successor of the Los Angeles Concours d’Elegance. For more information including directions, a list of past winners, competing classes and to purchase tickets visit: www.sanmarinomotorclassic.com.
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