San Marino Motor Classic 2016
The 2016 concours-level show featured a broad spectrum of collector cars from Brass and Nickel Era cars to American Muscle cars, Hot Rods and everything in between. Staples such as Ferrari, Porsche and Mercedes-Benz were showcased alongside Jaguar, Alfa Romeo and Rolls-Royce.
We had a wonderful time with the Bruce Meyer and Barry Meguiar family members at Saturdays Gala and Symphony of Cars featuring USC Trojans Marching Band and appreciate the invite from Nicole Meguiar Northcote.
Sundays main event was spectacular and I quickly got busy shooting. Its hard not to when you have this broad range of automotive history in such a picturesque setting. I felt like a 5-year-old faced with a fresh mud puddle =D
Thank you, to everyone that took the time to stop and say hi!! Makes my day to meet my Customikes Enthusiasts in person.
Please join us in the fun journey thru our coverage! Here’s page one =D
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About the San Marino Motor Classic
The San Marino Motor Classic is a concours-level collector car show and competition that features a broad array of motorcars that span more than a century. Co-founded by Aaron Weiss, Paul Colony and Ben Reiling, it is the successor of the Los Angeles Concours d’Elegance. For more information including directions, a list of past winners, competing classes and to purchase tickets visit: www.sanmarinomotorclassic.com.
[su_button url=”https://customikes.com/san-marino-motor-classic/” target=”blank” style=”3d” size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″ desc=”2015 San Marino Motor Classic Coverage”]Click here for,[/su_button]