I’ve been helping Jim St Pierre with a industry legends signature toolbox effort to raise money for our veterans via the great grassroots effort from Volunteers for Veterans Foundation / Veterans Car Show. The show is coming up on Oct 5th at the Jerry L. Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center in Loma Linda. Its a must see event with 1200+cars attending with many VIP’s bringing their rides etc.
Today Jim informed me that the board unanimously decided to ask me to sign the veterans tool box. I’m very humbled and grateful. Its an honor to be a small part of it. You can see all the pix of 40+ of our kustom kulture, industry legends, that have already signed/ contributed and the details on the show, which is filling up fast in our Toolbox Signature Tour for Veterans album =D
Here’s Jim holding the toolbox at one of the plaques at the Corona Veterans Memorial above the flag that have been carried thru and flown in active war zones by proud active service members:

We appreciate you all that support Volunteers for Veterans Foundation / Veterans Car Show and our Toolbox for veterans tour!! Especially when you pass the cause forward and ultimately, brighten up someones day!!
Yes you can bid on and with the highest bid, even own this legendary toolbox at the Volunteers for Veterans Foundation/ Veterans Car Show on October 5th in Loma Linda
If you, an industry legend, in our kustom kulture wish to be part of this great cause, Please contact me (K. Mikael Wallin) or Jim St Pierre. We thank you beforehand for your awesome support!
Even if you cannot come and sign the box, maybe you can sign a small tool or some kind of small memorabilia from your collection, take a kool picture with it signed and send them to us at 2298 Reservoir Dr Norco CA 92860, to be included with the Toolbox at auctioning time,..
Please support Volunteers for Veterans Foundation / Veterans Car Show FB Page by liking and becoming involved at your chosen comfort level.
Thanks for hanging at www.Customikes.com !!
Images by © www.Customikes.com K. Mikael Wallin