“Vetabelle”…. a 1954 Lincoln Capri, with a small history

I was surprised about the history behind my 1954 Lincoln This is no restauration story, it´s the story about getting the only known 1954 Lincoln 4door Sedan in Germany As…
Outriders Picnic 2016 Pg.2

Page 2. Check out page 1 here. Thanks for following along in our continued coverage of this invitational only show. This great description from Drivin Dave’s blog gives you an…
Outriders Picnic 2016

Yes!!! The bucket list show of the year!!! Here’s a few of my shots from today. I’ll add a few more of my best shots here and there as I…
The Sitdown 2016

The most finished Kustoms I’ve ever seen! I’m way behind on trying to write something for this show, but not cause I don’t love it… I have to say, this…
Port Costa Benefit Car Show and BBQ 2016

Car Show to benefit their 105 year old School House Aug 28, 2016 Founded in 1879, Port Costa is a awesome little town, hidden in between Crocket and Martinez in the…