Australian ‘Kustom Komic Artist’™
Great Veterans Signature Toolbox contribution by Aran De Baron!! The toolbox will be auctioned off at Loma Linda Veterans Hospital on Ot 5th during the 1200 car Volunteers for Veterans Foundation / Veterans Car Show !! Come join us and bid on it!! 40 + kustom kulture industry legends have signed or contributed items to the Toolbox =D
[su_youtube url=”http://youtu.be/loVT3POTEY8″][/su_youtube]We appreciate you all that support Volunteers for Veterans Foundation / Veterans Car Show and our Toolbox for veterans tour!! Especially when you pass the cause forward and ultimately, brighten up someones day!!
Yes you can bid on and own this legendary toolbox at the Volunteers for Veterans Foundation / Veterans Car Show on October 5th in Loma Linda
More pix of the 40 + industry legends that have already signed and details on the show which is filling up fast here:
Toolbox Signature Tour for Veterans Album
If you, an industry legend, in our kustom kulture wish to be part of this great cause, Please contact me (K. Mikael Wallin) or Jim St Pierre. We thank you beforehand for your awesome support!
Even if you cannot come and sign the box, maybe you can sign a small tool or some kind of small memorabilia from your collection, take a kool picture with it signed and send them to us at 2298 Reservoir Dr Norco CA 92860, to be included with the Toolbox at auctioning time,..
Video and Post by © www.Customikes.com K. Mikael Wallin
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