My introduction to the ‘Rooms of Hope‘ organization was during a car club meeting I’m a member of by J.R. Rollins, an acquaintance who had been attending some of our events and meetings.

J.R. described to us how he had volunteered in the past and about Rooms of Hopes mission in helping children in the San Francisco Bay area that are seriously sick or with life threatening illness by raising funds to transform their bedroom, playroom or other refuge with a complete dream makeover. This Non-profit (Sec. 501(c)(3) #46-5736906) utilizes a project manager and designer to capture the desires of the the intended child and then puts together a team of volunteers…. construction specialists from the trades, artists, local and national businesses and others passionate about making the kids visions become a reality. Most of these kids are disconnected from normal daily activities due to medical, physical or immune restrictions. These room transformations can offer a sense of hope, joy and healing once revealed to them.
Last month J.R. challenged some of us in the Pastimes Car Club to join him in a beard growing contest put on by The First Street Ale House in Livermore California, their 8th, to raise funds for the Rooms of Hope.
Without much thought I stepped up and shaved that goatee I’ve had for over 25 years and signed up with J.R. for the six weeks of no shaving and fund raising.
Monies raised will go towards numerous projects such as Skylar’s, a six year old who has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and battling it with multiple rounds of chemotherapy and radiation to follow. In my personal circles I’ve been exposed to few friends and acquaintances that have had some of the same troubles like these kids and think this is a very positive, heart warming and worthy cause to be a part of. My hope is that when you see this it might bring out a desire to help me support this cause so that a few of these young kids can have a little bit of happiness during the chaos and battles they live with. Last year over 45000 dollars was raised for the projects!
Then the magic happens…..on a designated date the teams and volunteers gather to perform the dream makeovers which usually take a couple three days with the results speaking for themselves.
Thank you for reading this and if you would like to participate in this fundraiser, please go here, the Rooms of Hope web page and , scroll down past the many beard growers to my name, Scott Strickland, where a donation can be made through my name directly to the organization .
Thank you!!
Story by Scott “Scotto” Strickland
Images by Rooms of Hope, J.R. Rollings & Armi Strickland
Thanks for hanging at Customikes!!