ZZ Top’s, Billy F. Gibbons supports VFVF at GNRS!

Billy Gibbons supports Volunteers for Veterans at Grand National Roadster Show!!

PHAROAHS’ INAUGURAL HALL OF FAME AWARDS ROAD TRIP I finally got home, unloaded and put away the RV after another 1000+ mile trip that included the Pharoahs’ CC 75th celebration/HOF.…
Second day back in the shop after a crazy couple of months traveling.

Second day back in the shop after a crazy couple of months traveling.
Live at Lions Drag Museum 5/5/21

Lion’s Drag teaser!! Live on Wednesday the 5th at 11 am pst =D
WCK Safe Kruise Ride Along with my favorite Mercury,.. ;-)

Time well spent with my friend Keith Bell and his 51 Mercury Rebel 51 during “Ronnie Ogas West Coast Kustoms Safe Car Cruise #16 Half Moon Bay, Ca. to Santa…
Motorcycle Photography

Proudly presented by: Thorsten “Derthor” Koch Hi and hello from Germany It’s been a long time since I posted a little report here on Customikes.com but it also took a…
3/13 Mancave update with Mike and Scotto =D

Come troll our personal projects with Mike and Scott! =D
Sick and vivid custom =D

Caught this several years ago at Mecum auction in Orange County CA. If I remember correctly they had a Gen 3 Camaro top on it =D See all the details…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us here at Customikes !! =D

Killer art by Dream Team member Thorsten Koch 😉
Awesome Christmas Video collection !! =D

I’ll add more as I finds em,.. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year =D K. Mikael WallinCustomikes
Metal forming examples ;-)

A while back, I contracted with a company called N2A. I was invited by my friend Phil Arnold (from my Metal Crafters days), to finish the metal work on this…
Clear combustion chamber video =D
A couple of kool combustion video clips: Inside of a running engine! Who's ever wanted to see this? Posted by Hi-Octane Motorsports & Photography on Saturday, June 4, 2016 Ever…
“Vetabelle”…. a 1954 Lincoln Capri, with a small history

I was surprised about the history behind my 1954 Lincoln This is no restauration story, it´s the story about getting the only known 1954 Lincoln 4door Sedan in Germany As…
Outriders Picnic 2016 Pg.2

Page 2. Check out page 1 here. Thanks for following along in our continued coverage of this invitational only show. This great description from Drivin Dave’s blog gives you an…
Outriders Picnic 2016

Yes!!! The bucket list show of the year!!! Here’s a few of my shots from today. I’ll add a few more of my best shots here and there as I…
Blackie, RIP. Video’s & Articles

Page 2. A collection of video’s and articles celebrating Blackie, his incredible life and passing. [su_button url=”https://customikes.com/?p=7558&preview=true” target=”blank” style=”3d” size=”5″ center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″ desc=”Page 1″]Click here for[/su_button] Blackie Gejeian Memory…
Blackie,… RIP,…

We were all saddened with the recent passing of Blackie Gejeian. He was a great guy and was loved by many. He loved his fans too. Page 1 of 2.…
Sick UK Roadsters,….

This Flamed 1932 Ford inspired the themed NSRA show blog!! Seen at the 2016 Nsra Supernationals Old Warden In this blog I’m trying a new thing based upon the many requests for…
Lets start new ways……Auf zu neuen Wegen

Thorsten Koch/Derthor Photografix First Blog!! Met John D’Agostino at the Essen Motorshow last year, thanks for the picture John I would like to introduce myself and answer some questions… Who…