This Flamed 1932 Ford inspired the themed NSRA show blog!!
Seen at the 2016 Nsra Supernationals Old Warden
In this blog I’m trying a new thing based upon the many requests for access to our prints. So in this blog all images are linked to the full resolution images at our print site.
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Now on to more Roadsters =D
What got to me was the quality of the roadsters in attendance. Just like the Pro-Streets,… I was just shooting from my gut and did not spend much time pondering what I was shooting or why,…. NSRA UK experience felt like an opportunity for the next Customikes Dream Team chapter.

Having an international Customikes DTM meeting with my valued EU/UK Dream Team Members was mind boggling and inspirational. My awesome DTM’s teach me something new everyday and they make me better at every turn. Time to step up my game for them =D
So much to see, sooooo little time =0
This subtle, golden champagne metallic and Black “Restomod’d” 1932 Ford Roadster had a completely hidden blown small block under the hood!!! What a pleasant surprise =D
Not all roadsters in this pic but it was soooooo clean had to include it =D
If you see one of your kool rides in our show coverage, please add in a comment below or send us any information that you would like to be included with it. We would love to hear from all of you!
Thanks for checking out our coverage of National Street Rod Association UK‘s fun show!
Feel free to like, comment on and/or share our coverage!!